Very TMI about CM (cervical mucous) Don't read ahead if you are easily grossed out...being an infertile diary all the good bad and very very ugly will be talked about... you've been warned...
I went to the restroom and I checked my CP and CM and my CM is like very's like not really dry, it has some moisture, kinda clumpy and the little clumps are like peach in color and a few random clumps are very very light pink. (I can only see the color if I wipe it on TP)
Do you think it's the start of AF? I can take honesty. I really hope it's IB (implantation bleeding) but I've learned to not get my hopes up.
If it turns into a full on heavy flow, then I'm out...if it goes away, there's a very good chance it could be IB.
A Fond Farewell
5 years ago
It could be anything since we have no way to know what your LP is.. since we have no past LP... I want to say IB, and you know I am praying it is *hugs*
(My own TMI here)
The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, exactly as you describe. It was neither AF or IB. I was sooo hoping it was IB! Took a dollar store test..BFN. I started depo-shot around the 2nd wk of Dec. I have Endo and PCOS. I never knew when I was getting AF and started BC to regulate it. I have heard positive things about an herb called False Unicorn Root. I haven't tried it personally, though. Thinking about it.
i had ib with both of my girls... hoping thats what it is for you!!! all my love!
Sounds like it could very well be IB. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! I got IB at about 4 weeks after my last period and it was like that. It only showed on toilet paper. Good luck!!!!
I had the same type of thing last month about 7dpo. Except I also had a pea sized clear clot type of thing with it. It wasn't IB or AF. It last 3-4 days with me though.
Hoping for IB!!!
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