Thursday, December 10, 2009


Af is here putting me at CD1. I start 100mg Clomid CD3-7. I made all of my appointments today...CD9 I have my ultrasound for a follie check and if everything looks good we may be triggering this cycle! CD21 will be the progesterone blood draw again which will (hopefully) confirm ovulation, and I go back on CD26 for a Clomid Check where we will see if I did ovulate (for the first time ever), See if I'm preggo...and if not then make plans for the next step which will probably be 150mg Clomid with possible trigger. Hopefully I ovulate this cycle and hopefully in 26 days there will be a baby(ies) in my belly! I'm praying so hard for it!


3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Baby said...

Keep us posted! I like that I'm learning more about what my next step may be!

Lindsay said...

how much where you on last time?

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

I will Julia!

Linds, I was only on 50mg last time. So twice as much this time.

Unknown said...

Just wondering...are you still using the OPK's?

I just read some where that Clomid can make you ovulate later in your cycle. Well I am now on 150mg of Clomid and I got a positive OPK on cycle day 17! So even when I have my blood draw on cycle day 21 it will probably be wrong, since the Day 21 draw should be done on 7dpo and day 21 is just the "norm" for a 14 day ovulator. So I should actually have it drawn on cycle day 25. So I called my docs office and asked for lab slips on both days to be sure.

So just thought if you aren't still using them now that you are on the clomid maybe you would want to give it a try. I'm sure glad I did! I just hope that it's not a false positive, as they are very rare, but still possible. Good luck!