What happens if the Clomid doesn't get me to ovulate? My Dr said our next step would be to have to try injectables...I think I read somewhere that a cycle of injectables can cost about $5000!! Are you kidding!? A cycle!? And domestic adoption I have heard can sometimes be somewhere around $35,000. My heart breaks tonight. I don't know how much financially we can go if I don't ovulate.
ok, deep breath!
Just on the adoption side, if you go through DHS the cost is ZERO. ZERO!
There are other medications you can try, have you asked about femara? I heard that it was pretty effective!
Hey don´t lose hope. Does Clomid really not work, or are you thinking out loud first??? A step at a time? I heard that Metformin is supposed to be really good too. But I really don´t know if that´s suitable for every person.
Thanks girls...So far the Clomid hasn't worked but we are upping it this cycle...I ust haven't ovulated in like 18 months, that's a long time, I'm so depressed.
Julia, thanks for the DHS tip...I can't find a link for the California DHS. I've asked my Dr about Femara before and she said it's exactly the same as Clomid, but if I still don't O I think I will ask her again.
Pris, Thanks for your words of encouragement...I have also been on Metformin for the past like 9 months or so and it also hasn't done anything.
That's because in California it's called Children and Family Services.
Good luck, I hope you don't need it.
Thank you SO much!!
Don't despair just yet, Amy! I didn't ovulate until they upped me to 150mg...which was my 6th cycle on Clomid. It took a while to get there, but it DID make me ovulate. I know it's hard not to get sad, and I know sometimes it feels good to let ourselves be sad, just don't lose hope! <3 <3
Hi Amy. I am a friend of your cousin Lindsay. I wanted to just let you know that I was in your shoes just a few years ago. My journey was a bit different than yours but our pain I know is the same. God opened the door of adoption for us- and it wasn't anything near 35,000. Lot's of rumors are spread about open adoptions. Three years ago my son was placed in my arms and now in only a few weeks 2 more( yes.... twins!!! And all my kids will be 1/2 siblings (same birthmother) will be put in my arms- through adoption. I know right now everything is running through your mind about ovulation and adoption. For me, God closed one door but he opened another and I would never trade it for anything. God has a plan for you and your husband- it might not be "your" plan but trust me, I know His plan is way better than we ever thought.
If you ever need to talk of have question, please feel free to ask. Praying for you!
always love and prayers for you my sweet amy... it made me cry to see makensi's comment on here this morning because i remember when she was going through ehr struggles and now see how god has brought her a sweet sone and two new babies on the way that are actually his half siblings.... hang in there, love
love to you always!
Max- Lindsay has told me in the past about you and your blessings, and it's so funny that you commented on this post of all posts because I was thinking about you when I wrote it, even though I had no idea who you were, but whenever I think about adoption I am always reminded of your story and how amazing God is. Lately adoption has been on my mind alot. I think about it more than I even thing about TTC. I know that even if we do have our own biological kids, we would still love to adopt one day. Thank you for the comment and the prayers. One day I just might want to pick your brain about adopting! =)
Linds- I love you so much and thank you for being an amazing cousin. Thank you also for your prayers, and for telling me Makensi's story and giving me hope! xoxo
I am right there with you...counting the days and just inhaling and exhaling.
You will have your sweet little baby very soon.
I can feel for you in more ways than you can imagine. I am on my 3rd cycle of clomid and now at 150mg. If this cycle I still don't ovulate I'm not sure where we are going from here, but I'm sure it's expensive!
Is there any way you can have the ultrasound done at your local hospital if it needs to be done on a Saturday?
Prayers this is a good cycle!
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