Hi - you don't know me but I discovered your blog about a month ago and have been sneaking a peek to follow your journey (I hope this was ok)but anyway I really just wanted to say WOW to the BFP and congratulations!! I wish you all the best :)
Congrats!!! When Kelly mentioned one of her message board buddies got her bfp I thought if you and then your quote and now your very own BFP! I am so happy for you! You were one of the very first blogs I started reading and I have been praying for this for you for a long time now!
Woohoo for you guys! Very new to your blog and have only read the last few (touching) posts but was excited to read this one more than I would have expected.
I found your blog after you found mine. *smiles* I can't begin to imagine everything that must be going through your mind right now. I'm so happy for you both! Time to rest and take it easy for the next few months. You've certainly worked hard enough for it! *hug* ~heidi
I have been following your blog for quite some time now. Always hoping that I will read that you successfully conceived. I am extremely happy for you. Your journey gives me hope. I send plenty of love and blessings to you, your DH and your growing miracle. Congratulations!!!
Welcome! I'm Amy, a late 20 something Polish-Italian Catholic dealing with infertility. I married the love of my life on May 24th 2008 and we decided to start trying for children on June 24th 2008. It's been a hard road, but we have been finally blessed with a positive pregnancy test on June 19th 2010, almost exactly 2 years to the day we started trying. I don't always censor myself on this blog. Read what you like or none at all...but this is my story about my "Miracle in the Making".
AF-Aunt Flo (Period) BD-baby dance BFN-big fat negative (the ‘f’ is translated loosely lol) BFP-big fat positive (HPT or OPK test result) CD-cycle day CM- cervical mucous CP- cervical position DH - dear husband DPO-days past ovulation FF-fertility friend FRER-First response early result HPT-home pregnancy test IB- implantation bleeding IPS- Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms IUI-intra-uterine insemination IVF-in vitro fertilization O-ovulate OPK-ovulation predictor kit PCOS-polycystic ovarian syndrome POAS-pee on a stick (to take an HPT or OPK) RE-Reproductive Endocrinologist SA-semen analysis TTC - trying to conceive US-ultrasound 2WW-two week wait, the time between ovulation ‘o’ and AF
Well, when a man loves a woman very much (and she loves him back)...
Just kidding. :)
CONGRATULATIONS! :D I'm so excited for you! <3
I have been stalking your blog ALL DAY waiting for you to make this official! LMAO!
Congratulations Amy! I'm so, so very excited for you. After to two years and all that pain, you deserve every bit of this pregnancy. :-D
Hi - you don't know me but I discovered your blog about a month ago and have been sneaking a peek to follow your journey (I hope this was ok)but anyway I really just wanted to say WOW to the BFP and congratulations!! I wish you all the best :)
Congrats!!! When Kelly mentioned one of her message board buddies got her bfp I thought if you and then your quote and now your very own BFP! I am so happy for you! You were one of the very first blogs I started reading and I have been praying for this for you for a long time now!
Finally a BFP. I am so so happy for you Amy. It has been how long? Seriously too long. I knew it when I saw the last post though.
Wooo Hooo !!!!!!!!
Congrats Amy. I am so excited for you :)
Woohoo for you guys!
Very new to your blog and have only read the last few (touching) posts but was excited to read this one more than I would have expected.
OMG OMG OMG OMG That's so flipping exciting! I'm tearing up cause I'm so freaking thrilled that you got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations sweetie!!!! How exciting for you and hubs!
I'm just OVER THE MOON for you! CONGRATS love!
God is GOOD!! Look at that line! so dark! YAY! Congratulations! I'm praying for an amazing pregnancy for you!
ICLW #143 and #144
However it happened, I hope it's contagious! ;)
I want another guest post from Mike so we can get his reaction!!!!!
OMG!!! That is so AWESOME!!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! :-)
I discovered your blog about a month ago. My hubby and I have been TTC for two years now so I can relate.
Oh my goodness! I just started following you and to see this...absolutely amazing!! I can't wait to hear more!! :)
that is so wonderful and amazing. Congratulations!
I found your blog after you found mine. *smiles* I can't begin to imagine everything that must be going through your mind right now. I'm so happy for you both! Time to rest and take it easy for the next few months. You've certainly worked hard enough for it! *hug*
Aaaahhhhh!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am so very happy for you and your DH
YAY for BFP's!! Congratulations, and keep us updated!
SO happy for you AMY!!!!!!!! <3
I have been following your blog for quite some time now. Always hoping that I will read that you successfully conceived. I am extremely happy for you. Your journey gives me hope. I send plenty of love and blessings to you, your DH and your growing miracle. Congratulations!!!
amazing! congrats girl! :)
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