Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maybe getting closer

I feel like one day I'll have hope and the next I won't and the next I'll have hope again... I think this is the darkest my OPK has gotten so far this cycle, so I still may not be out yet. It's not positive yet, but I'm hoping it goes fully positive in the next couple days. I really need to O. I mean that's all that's holding me back from having a baby...


Please send some O dust my way!

Please God just let me ovulate.


Emi said...

:odust: !!!!

Greeny said...

That's a pretty good and obvious line. Just needs a little help getting darker! Fingers crossed! Been stalking your FF chart hopefully. :-)

Samantha said...

Almost there!!! In just a bit you'll be posting double lines again only they'll be from a hpt!!!

Tillie said...

sending you lots and lots of *odust*!!

Melissa @MotherhoodWantd said...

Sending you lots of O dust! Come on O!