I'm trying Parsley Tea to bring on AF. I don't know if it will work as I'm on CD 40 something, but it's worth a shot! I just had my first glass and it wasnt so bad! If it does actually work, and I still haven't heard back from my Dr, I'm going to try a cycle of Soy, which is like natures Clomid. Alot of girls in our forum have tried it, and it has worked for them, so what the heck!
I've heard great things about soy too! My sister is trying Royal Jelly (the stuff bees feed to the future queen bee) and Wheat Germ this month. She has a coworker that miscarried and then had a hard time conceiving again until she started taking those two and she conceived and carried full term the first month! I'll let you know how it works for her!
Awesome Samantha! Yeah keep us posted about how that works out!
I did the soy and I really liked it. It got a lot cookin' down there and produced a very mature follie (just happened to have a pre-Clomid scan and precisely the right time). It didn't produce a BFP but I figure that could be blamed on poorly timed BD. I hope it works for you!!
Thanks Susan! That's awesome!
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