Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ohhh yeeeeaahhhh


Granted, I may not use everything in this stash this cycle, but I've got a nice little TTC stash going on here!


Samantha said...

is it ok to take soy and other supplements with clomid? I really want to try it but I don't want to mess with the clomid... you're more seasoned at this so I figure you're the one to ask. I think I may just do the clomid and then preseed and robitussin this try but I want as much help as I can get!

Good luck girl! I can't wait to read your good news!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Good luck!

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Thanks for the wishes of luck girls!

Samantha- I'm not 100% sure. I thought about adding 40mg soy CD3-7 along with the 150mg Clomid this cycle, but I'm scared of OHOS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) Which it could cause. There's always a chance of OHOS with any Clomid type drug you take so I'm really not all that sure.

Holly said...

looks like a great ttc kit! good luck this cycle!

Lana said...

It seems like you have your TTC kit down-packed!! Good luck this cycle!!

Lindsay said...

oh my gosh... i so don't miss taking all the ttc supplements! can't wait to hear what works!

AlanaStevens said...

Hey Amy, a lot of those supplements aren't ok to use together. I know your doctor is a pain in the ass to get ahold of, but call and check everything with him/her before using.

Good luck this cycle! Fingers crossed for you!

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Thanks girls!

Hi LALaborRN! I know they aren't, that's why I said I wasn't using everything this cycle (meaning together) Just showing off my stash! Thanks for the concern though! :)

tara @ the every things said...

crossing my fingers for you :) good luck this cycle!!

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Thanks Tara!