Wednesday, March 24, 2010

21 months

21 months TTC today. Not feelin' too bad! 21 is kinda a cool number...


Samantha said...

makes me feel crazy for posting about being only 5 months in... it doesn't matter though, we're both getting pregnant this month!

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Yes we are!!!!

Nessa said...

Excellent attitude!! Keep on truckin' Amy! I agree. You are so getting preggers this month.

It's weird when you think of how long you've been trying in terms of months. I usually say I've been at it for 3 years and 3 months, but really, that's 39 months!!! Eeesh!

Emi said...

Keep up that positive outlook! I can't wait to hear about your BFP. :)