Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just noting this for reference

I'm doing some searching online just to see what you should and shouldn't do in your follicular phase while on clomid to increase your chances of ovulating, and since we're already at 150mg I don't want to have to go past this, so I'm just copying and pasting away things I find.

supplements with phyoestrogens are not allowed

This is correct. They will actually cancel out the effects of Clomid so you can't take them together. This does include soy isoflavones as well as other soy products. If you take soy isofalavones one month you need to try and avoid soy the rest of the month. Two to three ounces of tofu or a glass of soy milk [daily] is enough to add 40 to 60 mg of isoflavones to your diet so you really need to stay away from soy. Here is a list of foods that contain phytoestrogens but I don't know how much. Soy is the biggest thing to worry about.
Isoflavones: Soy beans, tempeh, tofu, soy milk. Soy sauce is not a significant source ofisoflavones and is high in sodium.
Flavanols: Onions, lettuce, tomatoes, red wine, green tea
Flavones: Apples, green tea
Flavanones: Citrus peels
Lignans: Flaxseed or flax flour, lentils, small amounts in garlic, squash, asparagus

Here are a few supplements that have phytoestrogen in them:
Red clover, a source of isoflavones
Dong quai or angelica, which contains coumarin, an anti-coagulating agent
Flaxseed, source of lignans. I would probably stay away from black cohosh as well.


Here are more herbs you can't take with soy or Clomid...

Agave root, black cohosh root, black currant, black haw, chasteberries, cramp bark, dong quai root, devil's club root, false unicorn root, ginseng root, groundsel herb, licorice, liferoot herb, motherwort herb, peony root, raspberry leaves, rose family plants (most parts), sage leaves, sarsaparilla root, saw palmetto berried, wild yam root, yarrow blossoms.


I don't know how true this all is, but I'm willing to try anything.


suz said...

Wow! That's interesting and I'm really glad you posted it. I toyed with the idea of taking soy with the Clomid this cycle because Soy moved my O up signifigantly. I had pretty much decided not to do that, but now I'm certainly not gonna. Thanks for doing the research!!

Samantha said...

Yes, thank you for posting this! I had a asked a few people about taking soy with clomid but no one had a good answer! I HOPE WE ALL GET CHRISTMAS BABIES!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this!!! very informative. we're ttc-ing and about to go on clomid in a few months. baby dusts!!!!

3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Baby said...

So, just to recap, Soy cancels out the affect of Clomid?

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Julia, I believe so...I was debating taking one soy w/ the clomid this cycle, but everything I reseacrched said they will cancel eachother out. Although I did find one person that said she thinks it helped her O, the norm was it hurts you more than helps.