WHAT!?!? I mean come on......you are reading a TTC blog......you have to know there is going to be some sort of TMI!!
So tuesday morning, tuesday night AND this morning (thursday) I have had MAJOR watery/EWCM. I'm talking major...like....(tmi).....as if we had already BD. YIKES!!
So like any good TTC who is on a Dr mandated TTC break....
We BD anyways *blush*
I mean how are you supposed to NOT BD if you have any kind of fertile CM, and I swear to everything I have never in my life had THAT much CM.
NO, I'm not temping...
NO, I'm not using OPKs...
...I mean we are on a break...sheesh *giggles*
I have no idea if I am going to/have Oed, but if I am then:
a) it would be the first time in history I've ever done that on my own.
b) it would be the exact same day I Oed/whatever I did last cycle.
I'm not holding my breath, but I really really feel EXACTLY like I did last cycle when my chart told me I Oed.
I guess we'll see in about 10-14 days.
Now that I've lost most of my conservative readers.....
...and more than likely made a few male lurkers projectile vomit...
I'll be going!
A Fond Farewell
5 years ago
Sounds cool! :) I heard that the effects of Clomid continues for a while after it has been used. My friend took Clomid for 3 mths, but didn´t conceive. The one month after that, without Clomid, she got pregnant! So yeah! There´s a huge chance it was ovulation!!!
I love this post.
I really hope it means O!
Clomid does build up in your body and I believe last about 6 weeks after the last dose. So it's very possible it's working for you!
Fingers crossed!
LMAO! Nice!
Yeah I think it would be absolute torture to have a mass evacuation of EWCM and NOT take up the opportunity to make it happen!
FX for you! :-)
Oh to absolute hell with following "Dr.'s orders"... hope you had a good romp ;)
too funny amy. its ounds like something you are doing is getting those ovaries towards working... xoxo
Clomid nortoriously jump-starts your system and keeps "working" even after the last cycle you take it. I have two friends who conceived right off clomid.
Maybe I should skip next month?!
haha I love the use of your "font" in story telling! LOL
I hope that was what I think it was!!! I'll be praying for you...
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