The next person that says "good things come to those who wait" especially when they have 4 kids at home and are younger than me, gets punched in the face.
She hasn't called back yet, but I had the ultrasound done at basic radiology, and it was being transfered to my Dr, so that way I don't have to mark it as infertility and pay a buttload of money! lol If I haven't heard from her by today, I'm going to try and call her tomorrow.
I love reading your blog, Amy! You are so cute and funny. Hopefully I've never said anything like that to you. I do however find myself being a lot more grateful for my kids, and the blessing that they are in my life, after reading your blog. My heart goes out to you! I can't imagine how difficult this is for you! You are often in my prayers. You are going to be an amazing Mommy!!
lol Elise!! You could NEVER say anything mean of unthoughtful! Thank you so much for the prayers, it means so much to me! I miss you alot, and hope to see you guys someday again when your back in CA. I haven't gotten to meet your children! Love you! xoxo
Welcome! I'm Amy, a late 20 something Polish-Italian Catholic dealing with infertility. I married the love of my life on May 24th 2008 and we decided to start trying for children on June 24th 2008. It's been a hard road, but we have been finally blessed with a positive pregnancy test on June 19th 2010, almost exactly 2 years to the day we started trying. I don't always censor myself on this blog. Read what you like or none at all...but this is my story about my "Miracle in the Making".
AF-Aunt Flo (Period) BD-baby dance BFN-big fat negative (the ‘f’ is translated loosely lol) BFP-big fat positive (HPT or OPK test result) CD-cycle day CM- cervical mucous CP- cervical position DH - dear husband DPO-days past ovulation FF-fertility friend FRER-First response early result HPT-home pregnancy test IB- implantation bleeding IPS- Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms IUI-intra-uterine insemination IVF-in vitro fertilization O-ovulate OPK-ovulation predictor kit PCOS-polycystic ovarian syndrome POAS-pee on a stick (to take an HPT or OPK) RE-Reproductive Endocrinologist SA-semen analysis TTC - trying to conceive US-ultrasound 2WW-two week wait, the time between ovulation ‘o’ and AF
I swear, I will punch the next person for you! It's dismissive of your situation and your feelings and really quite patronizing.
<3 Jenn
LOL this is why I love you!
I'd like to throw in a kick to the mouth for you!
I think it royally sucks that you have had to wait 20 months and I hope to God you don't have to wait much longer. :hug:
Thanks Kelly!! xoxo I'm praying for you this cycle, and I really hope both of those little eggies fertilize and hold on real tight!!
haha! you read my mind!!!
Have you heard anything from the RE yet about the ultrasound findings?
Just thinking about you.
She hasn't called back yet, but I had the ultrasound done at basic radiology, and it was being transfered to my Dr, so that way I don't have to mark it as infertility and pay a buttload of money! lol If I haven't heard from her by today, I'm going to try and call her tomorrow.
I love reading your blog, Amy! You are so cute and funny. Hopefully I've never said anything like that to you. I do however find myself being a lot more grateful for my kids, and the blessing that they are in my life, after reading your blog. My heart goes out to you! I can't imagine how difficult this is for you! You are often in my prayers. You are going to be an amazing Mommy!!
lol Elise!! You could NEVER say anything mean of unthoughtful! Thank you so much for the prayers, it means so much to me! I miss you alot, and hope to see you guys someday again when your back in CA. I haven't gotten to meet your children! Love you! xoxo
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