Saturday, February 27, 2010

No hope for the hopeless

I wish my ovaries would just work right. I'm not ovulating AT ALL. I know this is all I can post about because this is all that happens in my life. It just sucks I don't even have a chance to try. Most girls TTC ovulate, and even if they aren't getting pregnant, they still have a renewed sense of hope the next cycle. I have no hope...does that make me hopeless?


Pris said...

I understand how you feel. I fear that I don´t ovulate at all either since I have PCOS arising from high LH and androgens. Have you been to any specialist? Like an endocrinologist?

I have 3x in fact and only started on Metformin yesterday, since I´m insulin resistant. Read that you´ve PCOS. Do you want to check if you´re insulin resistant?

Metformin is supposed to cure the root cause of the problem (PCOS)while Clomid just tries to help you ovulate regardless of the cause of your PCOS.

I know life IS unfair, though God is just. I believe He knows what He is doing. Want to encourage you to not give up, searching for answers.

Samantha said...

Do NOT lose hope! I know, how can I say that when I have been trying for just a few months and you have been trying so much longer but you cannot give up! You know that there are many other ways to go about this if you're not ovulating and although they will take longer and cost more, it will be worth it for YOUR BABY! This IS going to happen for you, I know it will.


Do not give up Amy! It will happen for you when you least expect it! I am cheering you on along this journey every step of the way! You will be a Mommy, a great Mommy!

Amy@LittlePinkDollhouse said...

Thanks Girls <3

Pris, I have been on Metformin for about a year and it hasn't done anything for me.

ElizabethMcKinnon said...

Noooooooooooooo don't be sad my darling Amy :(