Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gender Ultrasound results!!!

When we first got in there Itty Bitty's legs were crossed and I thought oh no not again! I would have been so bummed if we weren't able to find out today. So she did all the measurements and IttyBitty weighs 9oz and is measuring perfectly...right at the end of the u/s Itty Bitty uncrossed the legs and the tech typed on the screen...'s a......

BOY!! His name is Jackson Carter and we are so in love already!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Green Sprout @ The (baby) Elephant in the Bedroom Tagged me in her latest post so since I never do these when I get tagged I'll do them now. I have to answer a few questions and then tag 3 more people to answer some of mine!

1) What's in your pantry today? Lots of cans of soup lol, popcorn, chips, tons of baking supplies...honestly, there's alot in there right now!

2) What was your first word? I do believe it was "DaDa"

3) Name a life experience you would feel poorer for not having had? Honestly it was going through the infertility. Had I not, I wouldn't have truly known what an amazing gift I have been blessed with. I think every normal mother in the world loves their children with everything they have, but when you have to go through everything infertility has to offer, when you finally gain what you have been working so hard and long for, crying over, praying over, begging, pleading.... there's just something a little bit special about the way an infertile parent looks at his/her children. It's indescribable. "The harder the fight, the greater the victory."

4) What kind of computer do you have? I have a shnazzy Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop.

5) What is your favourite food/recipe using bananas? Banana bread!!!!! YUM I don't have a recipe for it, but man oh man, I love the stuff!

Okay so now that I've answered my questions I'm going to tag some of my favorite blogs (which is hard because I have so many):

1) Kristi @ Our Miracle in the Making, a Great Joy is Coming
2) Kelly @ Little Looman Log
3) Holly @ Ready to be a Mom

Your questions are:

1) How has infertility changed you?
2) What is your biggest craving right now?
3) Who do you look up to and why?
4) How did you and DH meet?
5) What was your most embarrassing moment?

I get a kick out of you!

Today I felt my first real kicks. I've felt flutters before, but today was intense! I was laying on the couch when I felt it and it honestly scared the crap out of me! lol I had no idea what the heck it was! Then DH came over and put his hands on my belly and I had him push down pretty hard and I tried talking to the baby/yelling at it "moooove!" lol...finally it moved again and he got to feel it! He said it felt faint but we both felt it at the same time which was so so cool! I just had to document this because it was so amazing. 2 years of trying to feel this and it finally happened today. I am forever thankful and grateful for this child and all of the milestones that come with it.

We go back in on Thursday for our 2nd gender scan (this baby better flash us this time!) Hopefully we'll be able to see and the cord won't be in the way again!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

18 week belly pic

Dont laugh, it was early, I was tired and up for work lol


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back from gender scan

We went in for our gender scan today and ............................................................................
...we couldn't see anything! lol The cord was totally covering it and they tried for an HOUR to find it, but it was not happening. I'm just happy and thankful to have a real live baby in my belly still. We go back in on September 30th so hopefully we will be able to see then.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

17wks Belly Pic


A little bit of growth I think! As of this morning I'm only up 5 pounds which I think is okay!

2 more full days till our 1st gender u/s on thursday!! eep!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

One week from today...

We have our first gender scan next Thursday the 16th at 2:30pm!!! *does a happy dance*

I will be 17w2d by then so I'm hoping we will be able to see. All of my ultrasounds always come out a little fuzzy, so hopefully we'll get a clear enough look, but if not, I have my anatomy scan on September 30th, so we will find out for sure at that one! Send us lots of flasher vibes, I hope this baby shows off the goods and we get a good clear look! I will update you as soon as I can on Thursday if we are able to see anything and let you know if we're on team pink or blue!

In other news, I can finally hear the heartbeat on our at home doppler my cousin let me borrow! It was soooo hard in the beginning to find it and I would get sooo frustrated, but now everytime I try to find it, I hear it within 2 minutes so that is awesome! I love that sound! I'm not using it alot though, *maybe* once a week if that, just to reassure myself everything is okay.

I'll keep you posted on everything!

PS don't forget about September being PCOS awareness month!! Spread the awareness!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My 300th Post Goes To- PCOS Awareness


Well this is my 300th post and perfect timing because September is PCOS Awareness Month! Have you hugged an infertile today?

Did you know:

10% of all women have PCOS

PCOS is the #1 cause of infertility

About 50% of women with PCOS get insulin resistance (which can cause impaired glucose tolerance or Type 2 diabetes)

Women with PCOS have a higher risk of miscarriage if they do get pregnant

Women with PCOS have a 4 to 7 times greater risk of having a heart attack than normal people

Women with PCOS have a greater risk of high blood pressure

Women with PCOS run the risk of endometrial cancer

Those are just a few of the many many saddening facts of PCOS.

Remember that the more we talk openly about PCOS and other infertility issues, the less taboo they are and hopefully will eventually be looked at as the serious medical issues they really are.

Never give up Hope and spread the word.