Hi Amy your blog is amazing, I'm jst starting TTC and I'm reading it all like a novel thanks it's lovely to know you were all there at the same point...highs and LOWS! x x x
Welcome! I'm Amy, a late 20 something Polish-Italian Catholic dealing with infertility. I married the love of my life on May 24th 2008 and we decided to start trying for children on June 24th 2008. It's been a hard road, but we have been finally blessed with a positive pregnancy test on June 19th 2010, almost exactly 2 years to the day we started trying. I don't always censor myself on this blog. Read what you like or none at all...but this is my story about my "Miracle in the Making".
AF-Aunt Flo (Period) BD-baby dance BFN-big fat negative (the ‘f’ is translated loosely lol) BFP-big fat positive (HPT or OPK test result) CD-cycle day CM- cervical mucous CP- cervical position DH - dear husband DPO-days past ovulation FF-fertility friend FRER-First response early result HPT-home pregnancy test IB- implantation bleeding IPS- Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms IUI-intra-uterine insemination IVF-in vitro fertilization O-ovulate OPK-ovulation predictor kit PCOS-polycystic ovarian syndrome POAS-pee on a stick (to take an HPT or OPK) RE-Reproductive Endocrinologist SA-semen analysis TTC - trying to conceive US-ultrasound 2WW-two week wait, the time between ovulation ‘o’ and AF
Oh he's precious!!
He's so handsome!! Take those pictures, mama-you wont be able to get these times back so why not capture them! :)
oh my goodness --- the cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cute!!! Love the new pictures!
Amy these are ADORABLE I love them you doing such a great job with the photography :)
Awww, Amy! He's so beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing pics!!!
Hi Amy your blog is amazing, I'm jst starting TTC and I'm reading it all like a novel thanks it's lovely to know you were all there at the same point...highs and LOWS! x x x
Hi Amy your blogs r amazing thank you. You have helped me so much. Hope you have time to blog soon. Love Janine, your UK fan, Ttc since march 2011 x x
Hi Amy your blogs r amazing thank you. You have helped me so much. Hope you have time to blog soon. Love Janine, your UK fan, Ttc since march 2011 x x
Your son is such a cutie! I really enjoy reading your blog. I've been TTC for a little over 2 years and blogs like yours give me hope.
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