Friday, April 8, 2011

6week pp and a bittersweet moment

I had my 6week pp checkup this past tuesday. She said everything looked great and I was healing nicely. I'm still a little sore but she said because I'm breastfeeding my skin is really dry and it may still be sore from all the tearing that went on. I asked about the next time we want to TTC and the good news is since I already have the PCOS/Infertility diagnosis with my RE down the hall from her, we don't have to do the year of TTC and can just go straight back there which made me really happy. The totally crazy part? Walking right past my RE's door pushing my 6 week old son in his stroller. I peeked in through the window wanting to see my RE or our nurse so they could see Jackson but I saw a patient in the waiting room and didn't want to go in pushing a stroller. It was just so crazy...looking in there and remembering the times we sat in that waiting room...but standing outside the door with my very own made me want to smile yet cry at the same time. Just one of those crazy moments...


Janessa said...

<3 <3 I love that moment. It must feel so good. At least you know that the couple in the waiting room is in good hands. <3

Holly Rutchik said...

What a beautiful moment to clearly see God's grace and time. Now if only we could see these things when we are on the OTHER side of the door. I guess that is why we need Jesus sooo much!
Blessings to you and your beautiful GROWING family!
In Christ,

Ang said...

Love this! And love knowing you won't have to fight so long and so hard next time around. ♥

Melodie Peachey said...

Thanks for making me bawl my eyes out in front of DH. he now thinks I'm insane. GEEZ THANKS AMY! haha. Reading that blog post made me SO SO happy! <3