I'm back from my OB appt.
Our Ultrasound went well, but he's still measuring really big, today they are guessing he's about 8.7 After our u/s we went next door for our OB appt and got checked and I'm 80% effaced (which is awesome) but still under 2cm dialated and she said he's pretty high still. So high in fact that she actually tried to strip my membranes while checking me and she said she could barely reach and maybe did it a tiny bit but just couldn't get it because he hasn't come down any because he's so big.
Sooooo she said her profesional opinion is that if we don't go into labor by friday she would like us to come to the hospital Sunday for an induction!
I am feling so many emotions...scared, excited, happy and unsure I think are the top few. Knowing that for sure by Monday we will have him here in our arms is a crazy feeling. She is afraid with the rate he's growing if we wait he's not going to come down and just get even bigger and then my risk for a C-section will be even greater. So for sure if he's not coming on his own, he will be here either very late sunday 2/20/11 or monday 2/21/11.wow.
A Fond Farewell
5 years ago
WAHOO for a date! Not sure if you read my labor story but I dilated to 9cm and he never dropped so we had a c-section. Turns out there was a "lip on my pelvic bone" that was keeping him from dropping plus there was a good chance if he did drop there would have been shoulder dystocia and I would have torn horribly.
Anyway, IF you do have to have a c-section I can tell you from experience it isn't that bad. Make sure you walk as much as possible the next day to get the gas out and keep the soreness at bay. Day 2 and 3 will be the worst and each gets better after that. Let those around you help as much as possible and remember on top of newborn baby exhaustion you're also recovering from MAJOR surgery.
Now, having said all that I hope I wasted my words and you don't have to worry about having a c-section but if you do- there's my advise!
OMG!!! YAYYYY!!!!!
thats all i can really say! :)
come jackson come!
Hi, I found your blog sometime ago when I was searching for stuff about infertility and TTC (which I'm still struggling with). I've been reading for sometime now, never posted a comment or anything before, but I just wanted to say that I wish you tons of luck with the birth of your baby boy and your writings have been inspirational.
Congrats Amy! How very exciting!!!
Thank you girls! Samantha, thank you so much for the advice! That is so comforting
I'll be praying everything goes well! I have been induced 2 times and things have been fine. Sometimes they get bugged if it takes too long and rec the section - but if you are ok waiting it out (mine took 28 hours going in at 2cm) then make it really know that you want ot try on your own. Get the epi and sleep :) But, healthy babes comes via section too! Either way, prayers for a healthy mama and baby!
Huge congrats to you!!! You can do this and your in good hands. Get all the sleep you can, your going to need it with your little bundle of joy. Again I'm so happy for you!!!
How exciting:) I will be honest once they set up my induction date its like my nerves/emoitions were in full force...But man girlie that would be one big little boy if you keep baking him
Hello!!! I am new to the blogging world & just started following yours. I've loved every minute, so far! I am so excited to hear about the birth of your son, when it happens! Congrats in advance :)
Good luck!!! The moment you have been waiting for for years and years is finally at your doorstep. I can't wait to see you become a mom! ♥
This is so exciting! I have had 3 inductions. If you do end up having an induction, please don't worry. My experiences with an induction were great experiences. It is true that labor is more intense with an induction. But, if you get the epidural you won't know the difference between going into labor on your own or being induced. Just a few more days. Can't wait to see your sweet angel.
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