I have just been so soo busy and overwhelmed with being a new mom!
I will write a real birth story later but to just give a quick rundown, I was in labor for 19 hours, and even though I had an epidural I had the most intense back labor. He was too big for my pelvic structure and was sunny side up, so at one point they started bringing up that I would probably have to have a C-section since I had gotten to 10cm but he wouldn't move past a -2 station. They wanted me to labor down but said they would only give us 2 hours, well when nurses left the room even though I don't think I should have I tried pushing during contractions w/o anyone knowing lol, well I think it helped a litte bit and my nurse let me "try" to push when she came back later...after pushing for 2 hours and my Dr literally running in telling me to stop pushing right as I pushed out the middle of his head (and holy cow I knew birth was painful but o.m.g!) Jackson Carter was born at 2:59am on feb 21st weighing 8lbs15oz, just one oz shy of a 9 pounder and was 21 and a half inches long. I had a 2nd degree tear trying to push him out so that got stiched up which was loads of fun (and still is ) but it as all so so worth it.
We are SO in love with our little man.
A Fond Farewell
5 years ago